środa, 3 lutego 2010


I've been thinking about some things, about life before 'something happened', of how I used to pray for something to happen, something to just break the routine, you know, of school...something that would make a small town feel bigger, that would make a small town girl feel bigger, too. And ever since I got my wish...I realized one thing...that the bigger your world gets, the bigger your problems get, too...

I'll never look at anything the same way again. Ever since I found out about some people, I've been thinking a lot about secrets. That for everyone who has a secret, there's someone else who needs to know what that secret is. How sometimes secrets keep people from feeling like they belong. And sometimes secrets make you feel like you do belong. And now even I, Karolina M. , the smallest of small town girls with the simplest of lives - even I have something to hide...

3 komentarze:

Olha pisze...

Moze tak nie pasuje pod tym co napisalas... Ale strasznie fajne zdjecie masz :D Śliczne :)

Aga pisze...

:):) W ogóle to wy jesteście śliczne ;*:* Tęskno mi do Waaaas!

madzia pisze...

No Karolinko zdjęcie śliczne, a mi się bardzo podoba ten tekst pod względem lingwistycznym :P tzn angielszczyzna cudowna :)