piątek, 27 lutego 2009

Flu and other disasters

Recipe for warming healing tea

  • juice from 1/2 fresh Lemon ( vitamin C)
  • 2 spoons of honey
  • hot camomile tea ( camomile reducing fever)
  • a little piece of ginger

Przepis na rozgrzewającą zdrową leczniczą herbatę
  • sok z 1/2 świezej cytryny ( Witamina C)
  • 2 lyzki miodu
  • gorąca herbata z rumianku( rumianek działa przeciwgorączkowo)
  • kawalek imbiru

Czym wiem co robie? Szczerze powiedziawszy nie mam zielonego pojecia a raczej różowego, bo to ostatni kolor jaki pamietam zanim obudziałam się po 4 godzinach słodkiego snu. Niestety do mniej różowej rzeczywistości. Przebudzenie jest najbardziej bolesne. Nie stopniowo ale raptownie uderzają wszystkie ośrodki bólu. Grypa- a przynajmniej ta złośliwa jej odmiana jest znana wszystkim. Gorączka do 40 stopni (O zbijaniu jej mozna napisać cały referet- okłady z zimnych ręczników na kostki, nadgarstki i czoło, okłady z białka jaja kurzego na klatkę piersiowa i plecy, owijanie w zimne mokre przescieradlo, kąpiele) to najbardziej wyczerpująca dolegliwość.

Najśmieszniejsze jest zatem określenie- odpoczniesz sobie na chorobowym! Ludzie, kto by tak chciał odpoczywac? Jestem dziesięć razy bardziej zmęczona niz w pracy! Zdrowym trzeba byc, zeby chodzic po lekarzach, bo tu tez mozna stracic nie tylko zdrowie ale przede wszystkim nerwy i cierpliwosc a i najważniejsze- pieniądze.

A i tu czlowiek musi mimo goraczki caly czas uwazac, bo a nuz wcisna lekarstwa za ponad 200 zlotych ( bo wlasnie jakis agent obiecal muz zysk z leku, ktory wprowadzaja do aptek), a tam znowu trzeba wystac w kolejce- bo chocbysmy umierali nie przyjm
a nas do innego osrodka zdrowia- chyba ze jest w innym wojewodztwie- bo 30 km to jest za blisko.

O chorobie Narodowego Funduszu zdrowia kazdy wie, najgorzej ze żeruje ona na naszych niedomaganiach. Tak naprwadę wygląda nasza Polska rzeczywistość i trzeba być dobrej myśli bo gdzie indziej wcale nie jest lepiej. U nas coś tam jeszcze zostało... nawet ta miła miła pani, która przepuściła w klejce do lekarza. A tam nie ma już nic- tylko pieniadze i pieniadze. Nie masz? Umieraj. A my wciąż mimo wszystko, jakoś musimy sobie poradzić. A co teraz posostaje? Gorąca cherbata, imbir, cytryna, witaminy i obowiązkowo i bez gadania- leżenie w łóżeczku. No i sny o ciepłej wiośnie, bo na sny o lepiej działającym NFZ nie warto tracić czasu.

środa, 18 lutego 2009

Kwestia świni

About the pig....

Czasami trudno zrozumieć ludzi. To najdziwniejsze z istniejacych do tej pory istot. A najdziwniejsza i najbardziej interesująca jest zazdrość! To najciekawsze zjawisko jakie kiedykolwiek spotkalam. Czy jest ktoś kto nigdy nie czuł zazdrości, kto nigdy, ani przez chwile nie pomyslał: "ja tez bym tak chcial"? Czasmi jestem zazdrosna, zwlaszcza jak czuje sie zagrozona. To taki irracjonalny strach ze strace to, co kocham.

Zazdrość przybiera rożne formy i czasem nawet jest porzebna, ale nie za czesto. Zdrowa zazdrosc potrafi nas zmobilizowac do pracy, nadac kierunek. Potrafi wykrzesać w nas sily, zeby dac z siebie wiecej, " Ja tez tak moge, tez ptrafie". Czasem nawet w zwiazku pokazuje drugiej osobie, ze wciaz o niej myslimy, ze nasze uczucia sa zywe, chcemy zeby ta nasza druga polowa byla tylko nasza- zazdrośnie bronimy swego.
Nic dziwnego, sa to rzeczy i kwestie nam potrzebne, bez ktorych nie wyobrazamy sobie zycia.

Czasami jednak pozwalamy by zazdrosc w nas rosla, by maly zielony potwor rozwijal sie w nas powoli. U niektorych ludzi to przechodzi juz w chorobe. Żyją jadowitą zadrościa pokazując innym dookola jak sa niesamowici, walcza z kimś kto nawet nie wie o ich istnieniu. Pokonują kolejne trudnosci, przeskakuja problemy by być lepszymi od X czy Y. Ale to nie ma sensu, bo ów X czy Y żyje sobie najspokojniej w swiecie i ostatnią rzeczą o jakiej by pomyślał jest współzawodniczenie z Zazdrosnym potworem. Najsmutniejsze jest to, że Zazdrośnicy sami prowokuja zaczepkę. Najczesniej sa źrodlem niewyobrazalnych plotek, głupich zachowań, szukania sprzymierzenców do walki, tylko o co? Tak naparwdę chyba o spalenie na stosie? No bo czy można ukarać kogoś za coś czego im sie wydaje, ze nie mam? Ciekawe, ze wiekszosc falszywych oskarzen o czary, spowodowane bylo zwyklą zazdrościa!!! Ale nie żyjemy w średniowieczu, i nawet przysłowiowe "podkładanie świni" nic nie pomoże. Zazdrość prowadzi do samozniszczenia. Prędzej czy później niszczy nosiciela. 

To glupie, bo przeciez obiekt zazdrosi nigdy nie jest doskonaly. Ma swoje troski i problemy, czesto nawet wieksze i bardziej skomplikowane niz inni ludzie. Wiec czego tu zazdroscic? Zazdrosc jest choroba, mozna ja wyleczyc. Kichanie nie zabija, ale moze prowadzic do zapalenia ploc. 

P.S. Świnia była duża, ale sie zadomowiła. Nie sprzedamy jaj na boczek.

piątek, 13 lutego 2009

Doswiadczenia Kamili, mojej przyjaciolki z dawnych lat:-) Czesc 1

Dziekuje kochana za to, ze moge to teraz tu umiescic:-) Mysle, ze to piekne dzielic sie takimi rzeczami i az szkoda by tego tu nie zamieszczac:) Niech Bog bedzie uwielbiony:)

(Part 1)
Kamila Szlowieniec from EBS , Share Him 5-20th Dec 2009

Since the beginning I was sure to choose to go on mission trip to Honduras mainly because I could face the biggest challenge for me – preaching and everything what was connected to public performances. Since I remember it has always been the biggest stress for me which kept me away from serving more in my home church. I prayed for it a lot and now I saw God was giving me opportunity to face it. I knew we learn the most about relying on God and trusting Him when we follow His voice especially when we are called to do something which scares us.
For long time I was asking God where is my place on this world, what work He would like me to do. I had a lot of questions specially about education I should get. So with the luggage full of questions I decided to go through this experience.
I had some problems with laptop. I lost sermons which I had already edited so I had could present them with translation in one hour. I lost work of about 20 hours. I knew I will not finish preparing them before Share Him campaign would start. I decided to do my best and trust God. Holy Spirit was working through weakest but willing.
On the first meeting my laptop was frozen. Just before it had worked perfectly. I tried to repair the problem but there was no answer. So altogether with people we prayed that God’s name might be glorified in the way He wants it. Laptop didn’t work. I was praying: God, God..o no! not on the first meeting. You are almighty! Why You do this to me? Why You put me in this situation?
I couldn’t do nothing else so I just said: Ok Lord.. I will share how You changed my life and how wonderfully led me till now. But I know this is your business and You will not leave me alone.
When I surrendered myself I saw Him working. First He gave me peace, then – words and thankfulness for all He had done in my life. Holy Spirit was working hard. Audience paid attention and I could see faces which were filled with joy and praise little by little. Some people were moved.
This was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life but this was just the beginning of God’s wonderful work.
All who were partaking in Share Him stayed in nice hotel about 90 minutes driving from the capitol Tegucigalpa where we were holding meetings. To get to mine church I had to spend about 2.5 hours for one way. I got back to hotel about 10 pm and was so tired that instead having devotional I prayed shortly and went sleep. After 3 meetings seeing how God was blessing I got more relaxed and did not prepare myself to preach as good as I should. And what was even worse I didn’t prepare my heart to speak about Him.
That evening the topic was GOSPEL. I was preaching the most beautiful message to those people trying to move their hearts while in the same time mine was unconnected from the only Spring of Life. I felt so bad. So unfair to those who were listening and most of all to God.
My translator said it was good sermon but I felt it was disaster.
When I was back in my room I cried to God and asked for forgiveness. I studied message of Calvary once again.
I realized great responsibility I was holding and how much my mistake could cost that evening. I felt this big desire to work like Jesus did, to love people and to lead them to Christ.
Since this time even though I was very tired I spent quality time with God and also study presentation for next day before going to sleep which was often after midnight.
I could clearly see how His hand was leading me and how Holy Spirit was working day by day. I prayed for love to audience, for forgiveness of my sins, smile and energy to preach. Every time He listened and answered.
Before Share Him started I asked God for leading me to proper church and godly pastor and I got really blessed with the place and people. Ceramica was a small 6 months old church with 30 members and young pastor Leonel Marron who was truly committed to God. The setting was a peaceful and humble place in the suburbs of Tegucigalpa.
By God’s grace usually about 90 people were attending the meetings including about 20 visitors.
On every presentation I shared mine or my family experience connected to the subject so day by day people could get to know me more. I showed them some pictures of my family, of Poland and I also tried to teach them a little Polish.
After it one girl, Vanessa wrote me tongue twister in Spanish and next day I tried to read it. It was funny.
When the time to say goodbye came it was amazing how close to each other we became. A group of closest to me people prepared special artistic program and bought a cake as a gift for my 19th birthday which was next day.
I got some small gifts. One poor boy gave me a pen, little girl wrote a letter in Spanish which after translator read to me. One friend of mine bibleworker William wrote a song and made a presentation with pictures of people from the church. It moved me so much. Even though the had not much, they were ready to share with the little. But most of all I could feel their kindness and love.
When after 1.5 hour of hugging and saying :Adios! with everyone I was leaving the place I knew I will always miss those wonderful people.
This small church will always have special place in my heart. Church, where Jesus is in people’s hearts, where Holy Spirit convinced 12 persons during the campaign to be baptized. Church where God taught all of us so much, where so many miracles have happened - the biggest on in my own heart.
All through Jesus ‘s grace and because of what He has done to save.

czwartek, 12 lutego 2009

Melissa Polinar "I Can't Make You Love Me" [Bonnie Raitt]

Co pisala obok Melissa:

'its one of the most sad AND beautiful songs ever written (my opinion, of course)...I've always loved this tune but it wasn't 'till I attended a "writers' night" in nashville years back when I saw Allen Shamblin (one of the writers) sing this tune with just him and the guitar that I found a greater respect for this song... :)

this is my rendition...hope you dig...'

Aj... Posluchajcie sobie...:) daje tez slowa

Turn down the lights, turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me, tell me no lies
Just hold me close, dont patronize - dont patronize me

Chorus: cause I cant make you love me if you dont
You cant make your heart feel something it wont
Here in the dark, in these lonely hours
I will lay down my heart and Ill feel the power
But you wont, no you wont
cause I cant make you love me, if you dont

Ill close my eyes, then I wont see
The love you dont feel when youre holding me
Morning will come and Ill do whats right
Just give me till then to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight
Chorus: cause I cant make you love me if you dont
You cant make your heart feel something it wont
Here in the dark, in these lonely hours
I will lay down my heart and Ill feel the power
But you wont, no you wont
cause I cant make you love me, if you dont

A jak wam za smutno... to tu cos zywszego... + slowa:)

its an original off of "sound vault sessions - ep" acoustically renditioned. ;)

here's the lyrics:

"One of a Kind"

as love comes and goes
i feel like giving up
so i'm praying for a better day
to come my way when
i feel as though hope is gone

oh, i dwell on the 'maybe's"
and my mind's going crazy
from the past i can't erase
still you say that you love me
and say that that you want me
this i can't explain

(cause) after all
all of this time
there's been no one else
who stuck right by my side
once in a lifetime
not looking for a sign
to realize you are one of a kind

the way you are
never ceases to amaze me
you light up my eyes
like the sun
you're always there even when
the pouring rain falls down

oh, i don't know where i'm going
i keep hesitating walking down
this lonely road
so i'll walk right beside
i'll never want to leave you
you're the one i'm leaning on

i never want to stop loving you
i never want to stop wanting you
you're my everything
you make me sing
without you i just don't know what i'd do
without you my life is through
there's never a doubt in my heart
and my mind
oh, its true...

Siostrzyczka ma talent, nie?:)

poniedziałek, 9 lutego 2009

P.S. I Love You...

Ostatnio w koncu obejrzalam sobie ten film... jest sliczny...a tu moj ulubiony fragment, ireland letter... ach...
Znalazlam tylko takiej jakosci... nie bylo lepszego filmiku:P tutuj link...:)


piątek, 6 lutego 2009

... like when U close your eyes and you still can see

Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do

I’ll still feel you here ’til the moment I’m gone.
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much
than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be.
I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I’m supposed to be.
But you’re on to me and all over me.

You loved me ’cause I’m fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while
and all my fragile strength is gone.

Set me free, leave me be.
I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall,
just the way I’m supposed to be.
But you’re on to me and all over me.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you’re everything
I think I need here on the ground.

But you’re neither friend nor foe though I can’t seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down

Your keeping me down,
Your on to me,
your on to me and all over

Something always brings me back to you
It never takes to long…